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【4周达】Saddam Hussein: A Biography [9780313361883]

【4周达】Saddam Hussein, Second Edition (Mwl) [9780791085769]

【4周达】The First Evidence: A Memoir of Life in Iraq Under Saddam Hussein [9780786415809]

【4周达】Regime Change in the Ancient Near East and Egypt: From Sargon of Agade to Saddam Hussein [9780197263907]

【4周达】Saddam Hussein: A Biography [9780313330773]

【4周达】Winston's Folly: How Winston Churchill's Creation of Modern Iraq led to Saddam Hussein [9781841199399]

【4周达】The Mother of All Battles: Saddam Hussein's Strategic Plan for the Persian Gulf War [9781591149422]

【4周达】镇压状态 State of Repression: Iraq Under Saddam Hussein [9780691211756]

【4周达】The Iran-Iraq War: Saddam Hussein's Attack in the Middle East [9782806273215]

【4周达】The Black Rabbit: A Novel about the Trial and Hanging of Saddam Hussein [9781619846401]

【4周达】Echoes from Saddam Hussein [9781733298131]

【预售】Saddam Hussein, Second Edition (Mwl)

预订The Pursuit of Victory:From Napoleon to Saddam Hussein

【预售】Saddam Hussein: A Biography

[预订]The Monument: Art and Vulgarity in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq 9781860649660

预售 按需印刷Saddam Hussein- Ein charismatischer Herrscher im Sinne der Herrschaftstypologie von Max Weber?德语ger


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