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【预售按需印刷】Spiderman in Iambic Pentameter

【预售】Iambic Ideas: Essays on a Poetic Tradition from

【4周达】Iambic Ideas : Essays on a Poetic Tradition from Archaic Greece to the Late Roman Empire [9780742508170]

【4周达】Polyeideia, Volume 35: The Iambi of Callimachus and the Archaic Iambic Tradition [9780520220607]

【预售】Greek Iambic Poetry: From the Seventh to Fifth

【预售 按需印刷】The Foreign Sources Of Modern English Versification With Especial Reference To The So-Called Iambic

【4周达】Greek Iambic Poetry: From the Seventh to the Fifth Centuries BC [9780674995819]

【4周达】Poetry 101 : From Shakespeare and Rupi Kaur to Iambic Pentameter and Blank Verse, Everything... [9781507208397]

【4周达】Spiderman in Iambic Pentameter [9781329877757]

【4周达】14 Fourteeners: Selections in Iambic Heptameter [9781794836013]

【4周达】Iambic Poetics in the Roman Empire [9781107012080]

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海外直订Iambic Ideas: Essays on a Poetic Tradition from Archaic Greece to the Late Roman 抑扬格思想:从古希腊到罗马

海外直订Iambica: An English-Greek and Greek-English Vocabulary for Writers of Iambic Ver 抑扬格:为抑扬格诗歌作者准

海外直订Poetry 101: From Shakespeare and Rupi Kaur to Iambic Pentameter and Blank Verse, 诗歌101:从莎士比亚和鲁皮·

按需印刷Exercises In The Composition Of Greek Iambic Verse[9781104125615]


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